Big brain, fixing your issues in management, marketing and communications.
Fast brain, building your business and helping you and your people out.
Crazy brain, creating out of the box and beyond infinity.
I’m a freelance fixer, builder and creator who delivers conceptual and strategic business, brand and communication development (all touchpoints, from retail to digital): starting from a pragmatic analysis (consumer, market, product, competition, distribution…), I work out a clear and workable strategy with original views, fresh ideas and proposals for relevant, up-to-date design and communication techniques. My clients vary from government and corporate enterprises to smaller companies.
I fix things. Not exactly like Winston Wolfe in Pulp Fiction but give me a problem to solve in management, marketing and communication and I handle it as swiftly as Tarantino’s fixer. And without all the blood. Check out on my Linkedin the things I fixed at Mobistar, S.M.A.K., MAS, Plan International, and many more.
I build things. Not exactly like master builder Wyldstyle in The Lego Movie but give me a business, a service, a product, … and I build or rebuild it. Using corporate experience and strategy, tools and rules and/or going wild with imagination. But not as wild as Wyldstyle. And with less bricks. Check out my Linkedin and the things I’ve built like Bolides, De Fermetisten, Restaurant Món, Salons van Edel and many more.
I create things. Not exactly like Tyler, the creator but give me a business, a brand, a shop, and I create websites, POS-material, print and so on. Using a bunch of loyal contributors. Like Tylers, as creative but not as famous. Check out schrijfwerken.be, my preferential partner.
If you want the serious version with the boring details, go to LinkedIn.